The Sophia Show - Stevensecret.avi

I wanted to share for a long time, because it just has to be shared. Have you heard of the alleged lost episode of SpongeBob named "Squidward's Suicide"? Well, if you have, it's quite a popular topic. Since I've worked for Nick for a long time, I have "something" to share. Nickelodeon didn't start out as a "family-friendly company", originally it was a adult company, that would make pornographic cartoons for adults with fetishes. 
How do I know it? Because I worked for Nick at it's "dark" age. The employees were rude, not like the normal today employees who worked on Rocko and stuff. Also, Nick didn't completely become a "kid friendly" company. In an episode of Rocko, Mr. Bighead's wife tries to suduece Rocko. In the dark age of Nick, they would usually have characters suduece each other. Another reason Nick hasn't changed, was that they made The Sophia Show's characters rude and aggressive. Whilst, in the old show there was no such thing. In the 2012 TMNT reboot, Donelltello checks out April's big, round ass sometimes. Even in an episode, where Donotello makes a robot to check out her ass, isn't that inaporipete for kids, Nick?
See. Nick hasn't change a bit, now haven't they? There's an episode of The Sophia Show that wasn't released, and is only viewable on a certain onion site. I was able to get the onion to work, and got to watch the "episode". The file was oddly named, "Stevensecret.avi".
It basically starts off as any other Nick show, except for the poor-quality animation. If you seen SpongeBob or Rocko's first animation, then you know what I mean. The characters Alexa had a more sexual and goth look to her, with her leggings see-through, I could almost see her private areas. Sophia was more aggressive towards her parents, who would not let her bring her boyfriend to a "pornographic movie". Steven, ugh, he was more prevrtnted in this, even out-preverting Herbert from Family Guy. The first act was fairly normal, it was about usual teen problems, like having a period or someone stalking you, except the characters had no expression except for Alexa, Sophia, and Steven. It was possibly because of the low budget they had at the time, as this was a 1990's reboot that was cancelled.
It starts off with Alexa going on a date with a more gothic-Nell. The kissing scene of Nell and Alexa was gross, they had full advantage of it not having to move with low pitched gurgling sounds, with the ocinallly moan from Alexa. They finished kissing, and the scene went back to normal. All of a sudden, it shows a woman saying, "COME ON AND SUCK MY PUSSY TITS" with loud techno music playing. The crying from Dead Bart is heard, as Nell and Alexa are seen having sex. "BAAART!!!" screams a man, except the scream was muffled as if he was smuggled. "BARRRRRRRT!!!" the man screams once again, with the mixture of static and Kefka's laughing in it all. It goes back the woman clip, except her breasts are exploded with blood. 
As Nell is walking out of the movie, Steven appears, grabbing onto Nell's face, making him suck his cock. He spits up Steven's cock, and gurgles. Nell wips the pieces of cock and flesh off his face, as Steven proceeded to fuck him once more. Nell walks up, now in Stevens house. It cuts back to Alexa, who is wondering where Nell is. It cuts to a commercial break, with text reading, "Try our new big, ass macs. Now at Mcdonalds, buy it today!". It cuts back to the show, where Sophia is eating a pile of double big macs, her boobs slightly get bigger, as she continues to binge on more of the burgers. "10 minutes later" appears, and shows Sophia's huge ass pressed agasint the screen. She wobbles her ass closser and closser, until the camera falls down and breaks. 
That was appearently the end of the whole episode. I sat there, confused at what the hell I was watching. I noticed what site I was on, and it was PornHub.